CBC coverage by Jon Azpiri (March 2025) regarding the U.S.-Canada trade war, food, and corporate concentration.

CBC Radio On the Island with Gregor Craigie (March 2025) regarding the U.S.-Canada trade war, food, and corporate concentration.

Screenshot of Animocracy Podcast logo and episode title, Episode 5, Part 1: How the politics of ag-gag laws hide more than animal cruelty.

Podcast interview with Jordan Reichert (Animocracy Podcast, November 2024) and Tayler Zavitz regarding ag-gag laws in Canada.

Interview with Hope Lompe (National Observer, August 2024) on problems regarding the inspection of farmworker housing.

Screenshot of Times Colonist article with title: Not enough local workers applying to jobs, some Island employers say

Interview with Michael John Lo (Times Colonist, August 2024) regarding changes to Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

Interview with Hope Lompe (National Observer, August 2024) on the rise of migrant workers in Canadian forestry.

Interview with Marc Fawcett-Atkinson (National Observer, June 2024) about the impacts of migrant mushroom worker unionization on workplace safety, wages, and job security.

Interview with Cloe Logan (National Observer, May 2024) about legal protections for workers from climate-related extreme heat.

Interview with Edouard Merlo (CBC Radio-Canada, April 2024) on Unifor’s efforts to unionize Amazon in BC.

Podcast interview with Karina Inkster (No BS Vegan, April 2024) on ag-gag laws and solidarity with workers across the food chain.

Clip of article from The Tyee with the headline: "Migrant Farmworker's Sexual Assault Allegations Shine Light on a Wider Issue."

Interview with Zak Vescera (The Tyee, 2024) on how Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program amplifies risks of workplace sexual assault.

Interview with Phoebe Fuller (Briarpatch Magazine, 2023) on climate-related extreme heat and workers’ rights.

Screenshot of The Tyee article titled "What a fairer migrant farmworker program could look like. Includes an imagine of a farmworker harvesting pears.

Interview with Zak Vescera (The Tyee, 2023) on policy changes to strengthen the bargaining power of migrant farmworkers in B.C.

Headline: Pesticide use on BC farms puts seasonal workers at risk. October 24, 2023. Image of woman with ponytail thinning apples in an orchard with a mountain and ladder in the background.

Interview with UVic Social Sciences (2023) about pesticide exposure for middle-class Canadian farmworkers.

Image of Stephen Quinn, "The Early Edition with Stephen Quinn, CBC Listen logo, Extreme heat and temporary foreign migrant workers"

Interview with Sophie Woodrooffe (CBC Early Edition with Stephen Quinn, 2023) on migrant farmworkers and climate-related extreme heat.

Interview with Tessa Vikander (CBC News, 2023) on B.C. labour law, worker-led organizing, and Unifor’s intention to unionize Amazon in Metro Vancouver.

Profile images of David Fairey and Anelyse Weiler and preview of podcast text

Podcast interview with Jamie Mah (Scout Magazine, 2023) on piece rate wages for immigrant agricultural workers, solidarity, and a sustainable food system in BC.

Screenshot of Anelyse Weiler presenting on behalf of Migrant Worker Health Expert Working Group to Senate Standing Committee.

Presentation to Senate Standing Committee on behalf of Migrant Worker Health Expert Working Group (November 2022).

National Observer logo, headline "On Canada's farms, workers go hungry" and image of Byron Cruz in a green hat with an image of Che

Interview with Marc Fawcett-Atkinson (National Observer, 2022) on how the rising cost of food is intensifying farmworker food insecurity.

Interview with Thilelli Chouikrat (CBC Radio-Canada, 2022) on the link between migrant farmworker housing conditions and preventable illness and death.

Capital Daily logo, Headline: "BC liquor distribution centres at centre of union strike" and image of BCGEU workers picketing

Interview with Ryan Hook (Capital Daily, 2022) on BCGEU strike and implications for worker solidarity.

Interview with Ryan Hook (Capital Daily, 2022) on workplace inequality and labour shortages in the hospitality industry.

Image of a farmworker picking cherries

Interview with Lila Dussault & Marie-Soleil Brault (La Presse, 2021) about conditions facing Québécois farmworkers in B.C.

People marching with a banner with the words, "Save the UBC Farm"

Interview with Anisha Sandhu (Land and Food Systems, 2021) on the history of the movement to save the UBC Farm.

Interview with Cloe Logan (National Observer, 2021) on barriers facing migrant agricultural workers amid new COVID-19 testing requirements.

Interview with Cloe Logan (National Observer, 2021) on barriers facing migrant agricultural workers amid new COVID-19 testing requirements.

Interview with Marc Fawcett-Atkinson (National Observer, 2020) on migrant agricultural workers, COVID-19 and agribusiness consolidation

Interview with Marc Fawcett-Atkinson (National Observer, 2020) on migrant agricultural workers, COVID-19 and agribusiness consolidation

Interview with Hannah Thibedeau (CBC national news 2020) on COVID-19 outbreaks among migrant farm workers in Ontario.

Interview with Hannah Thibedeau (CBC national news 2020) on COVID-19 outbreaks among migrant farm workers in Ontario.

Interview with Francesca Bianco (Maisonneuve, 2020) on Canada’s farmworker history and COVID-19 outbreaks among migrant agricultural workers.

Interview with Francesca Bianco (Maisonneuve, 2020) on Canada’s farmworker history and COVID-19 outbreaks among migrant agricultural workers.

Interview with Nick Wells (Canadian Press, 2020) on migrant workers’ health and labour rights during COVID-19 outbreak.

Interview with Nick Wells (Canadian Press, 2020) on migrant workers’ health and labour rights during COVID-19 outbreak.

Interview with Nick Eagland (Vancouver Sun, 2020) on migrant farm workers’ health and labour rights amid COVID-19 pandemic.

Interview with Nick Eagland (Vancouver Sun, 2020) on migrant farm workers’ health and labour rights amid COVID-19 pandemic.

Interview in 2019 National Post story by Jacob Dubé on craft cider research.

Interview in 2019 National Post story by Jacob Dubé on craft cider research.

Commentary for Organic Council of Ontario on 2019 Federal Budget announcement re: immigration pilot for agricultural workers.

Commentary for Organic Council of Ontario on 2019 Federal Budget announcement re: immigration pilot for agricultural workers.

Consulted for 2019 Public Policy Forum/Action Canada report. Note: I disagree with some of the conclusions of this report.

Consulted for 2019 Public Policy Forum/Action Canada report.

Interview in 2018 Concrete Garden magazine cover story by Stephanie Harrington.

Interview in 2018 Concrete Garden magazine cover story by Stephanie Harrington.

Interview in Toronto Star 2017 article by Nicholas Keung, part of series, "The Hands That Pick Your Food."

Interview in Toronto Star 2017 article by Nicholas Keung, part of series, "The Hands That Pick Your Food."

UBC LFS post for 2016 Power of Youth Leadership Award from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

UBC LFS post for 2016 Power of Youth Leadership Award from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

2015 interview with Carol Thorbes at SFU News on research with migrant farm workers and Trudeau Scholarship.

2015 interview with Carol Thorbes at SFU News on research with migrant farm workers and Trudeau Scholarship.

Quote in 2015 Comox Valley Record on Trudeau Scholarship.

Quote in 2015 Comox Valley Record on Trudeau Scholarship.

2015 interview with Elaine Smith at UofT Arts & Sci on Trudeau Scholarship and research.

2015 interview with Elaine Smith at UofT Arts & Sci on Trudeau Scholarship and research.

Radio interview regarding justice for migrant farm workers in Canada on 2013 CJSF May Day Labour episode (I'll add the link if I find it).

Radio interview regarding justice for migrant farm workers in Canada on 2013 CJSF May Day Labour episode (I'll add the link if I find it).

CTV Morning Live 2012 show with Aamer Haleem making Blueberry Black Lentil Curry (original recipe!).

CTV Morning Live 2012 show with Aamer Haleem making Blueberry Black Lentil Curry (original recipe!).

2012 interview with Rachel Stern on a community-based research project I helped coordinate with UBC students and an urban farm.

2012 interview with Rachel Stern on a community-based research project I helped coordinate with UBC students and an urban farm.

Interview in 2012 rabble article on urban agriculture.

Interview in 2012 rabble article on urban agriculture.

2012 Peanut Butter 'n' Jams radio interview by Conner about the UBC Farm (around 8min.).

2012 Peanut Butter 'n' Jams radio interview by Conner about the UBC Farm (around 8min.).

Interview in 2012 Ubyssey article with Andrew Bates on UBC Farm and Sustainability College.

Interview in 2012 Ubyssey article with Andrew Bates on UBC Farm and Sustainability College.

Interview in 2010 Ubyssey article by Trevor Record on farmland security for UBC Farm.

Interview in 2010 Ubyssey article by Trevor Record on farmland security for UBC Farm.

Interview in 2010 Ubyssey article with Teresa Match about FarmAde and UBC Farm land security.

Interview in 2010 Ubyssey article with Teresa Match about FarmAde and UBC Farm land security.

This Week at UBC video for 2010 UBC FarmAde.